Protecting your information online as a marketer is extremely important because there are so many opportunities for hacking and theft, given the amount of time and the number of tools marketers use online. With that in mind, below are 10 privacy tips for marketers.

1. Be careful about where you are shopping online Shopping on an un-trusted website can be really dangerous

If something goes wrong with the transaction – for example, if the item never arrives or is substandard, or you turn out to have been charged for something that never arrived – it can be really hard to get help.

This is important for marketers buying digital tools and products from third-party providers. Even better, encrypt all of your online traffic and activity using a good quality VPN.

2. Read and understand the privacy policy of any platform you use

There are thousands of different online platforms out there.

This means that there is also a ton of different privacy policies to go with them. Take some time before using a platform, whether it is email, social media or an app, and read what they say about how they collect and use your data.

3. Update the privacy settings on your accounts and apps to reflect how much information you want to be shared online

If you’re not sure what these are, take a look at them in the account/app preferences section of whatever system you use. You can usually find it in their main settings or, if it’s an app, the Settings section.

4. Do not share your phone number or any other information on public forums using your real name

If you are putting up a social media post asking people to contact you for business purposes, please do not put your full name down. For example, if it says John Smith, do not put down John David Smith.

5. Make sure to set up a 2-step verification process on your phone and email account

A two-factor verification system, like the one where you have to enter an extra code along with your password, is a great way to keep people from getting into your accounts if they manage to steal your password.

6. Do not share a photo of your license or other government-issued ID online, whether it is on social media, dating sites or job boards

There are people out there who can use this information to create a new identity for themselves. In addition, if you accidentally post a picture where someone’s face is clearly visible, you have essentially shared every piece of information in that photo, including their name and address.

7. Keep your financial reports private when they are being sent to someone online or through the post

One of many different types of privacy breaches is having your bank statements stolen by people who are trying to get into your accounts. This is why you should always try to find out if there is a way that you can lock up your statement when they are being sent online or through the post.

8. Keep your credit report private, too

It is possible for people to steal credit reports and use them in ways that are not beneficial to them. For example, somebody could apply for credit in your name, which would make it look like you were trying to run up large amounts of debt.

9. Reset any temporary passwords that you get from email accounts or other online services after buying something online

Make sure to change all of the passwords for your bank and credit cards, too. You can keep them in a password manager to make sure they are easy to remember while still being secure enough not to be easily stolen. For added security, consider using a random password generator

10. Be wary of clicking on links in emails and messages without knowing who they’re from if you aren’t expecting them

If somebody that you don’t know is in contact with you, and they tell you that they know something about you or your personal data, it’s best to double-check with them. This is because they could be trying to steal some of your sensitive information.


It is important for marketers to keep in mind that nobody wants their personal information stolen and it is your duty as a business person to keep the data you collect secure. Your reputation depends on it.