
Sometimes you may find that when giving a presentation to your clients or higher-ups, presenting your data in visual cues makes them understand the matter more smoothly. They can grasp quickly as the brain processes images 60,000 faster than text. The name given to these visual cues is infographics. They are often utilized in marketing strategies to display information more efficiently.

We’ll explain some infographics to help you create an effective marketing plan. If you are confident in your design skills and taste, you can consider creating these yourself, or you may choose to have them prepared through an outside vendor like Advanced Web Formula.

1.   Statistical Infographics

You will often have to show data you have collected from surveys and customer reviews in your marketing plan. Statistical infographics can illustrate such data through bar graphs and pie charts. Aside from appealingly showing the data, these graphs will also enable you to make quick comparisons between the sets of information.

Your marketing strategy can also include a progress report. You can choose to organize this data through a line graph. This representation will help you see the total progress your marketing plan has made. In the same line graph, you can also add lines depicting positive customer reviews you have received during certain phases of the project to show a side-by-side comparison of the progress and ratings.

Since multiple graphs and charts are present for representing data, you have to ensure you choose the one most compatible with your information so that you can convey information most effectively.

2.   Comparison Infographics

Sometimes you will have to compare two sets of data instead of just presenting their statistics. You can achieve this efficiently by using comparison infographics. One type of comparison infographic is a side-by-side representation of the data sets. This visual cue helps you understand both the pros and cons of the samples quickly. For example, if you are marketing cameras, you can make respective columns of their features and arrange them, so the same features of the two products are side-by-side. This infographic method helps one swiftly compare two samples and derive insights.

3.   List Infographics

List infographics use small icons presented in list form to show data. You can use them to represent step-by-step information. For instance, you can show all the steps your audience must do to assemble a project. This information can be hard to comprehend, but with the correct icons and illustrations, people can understand it better. This will boost your marketing plan and give your product more attention.

4.   Geographic Infographics

In some instances, you may have to display information concerning places, and you can achieve this efficiently by using geographic infographics. For example, you may want to show the location of your client’s store to increase sales. One type of such infographics is maps. A well-planned and easy-to-read map can help the target audience understand the information easily and make your presentation more effective.


You can not represent all of your data through infographics, as they are best used to convey small pieces of information instead of long lists of data. Another thing to consider when using visual cues is to make sure they’re easy to understand. If your target audience finds your graphs too confusing, then they will not make an effort to understand them. When creating your infographics, also think about the demographic you are appealing to. Your designs should be similar to their tastes so that they take an interest in your information.