Marketing Next Practices Blog
How To Get A Bigger Reach On Social Media
In the unlikely event that you haven’t noticed, there are quite a few businesses operating online these days. Indeed, it’s become imperative for companies of all types to establish and maintain internet presences: those that don’t appear online might as well not exist...
How to Grow a Facebook Business Page for My Brand
Today social media is where you go to make anything go viral. Therefore, to grow your brand, this powerful tool is ideal for growing an audience towards your business. With so many platforms, Facebook commands the bigger share of users with over 2 billion global...
Four Effective Tips for Businesses to Generate More Leads
There are millions of businesses in this world. Each business has its own goals and origin stories, making them unique. However, there are a few common goals that every business shares. Lead generation is at the top among these wishes. Every business understands how...
How Web Development Enhances Your Personalized Marketing Strategy
A website is vital for businesses today. If you're an entrepreneur, you're more likely to become successful when you have a business website that captures the attention of internet users. There are several factors that your website must have to make visitors stay...
How Academic Studies and Writing Facilitate Research in Modern Business
Academic studies and writing are an invaluable tool for research in modern business, especially when it comes to digital marketing. Research is essential in today’s rapidly changing world, and academic studies and writing can provide a comprehensive understanding of...
How To Boost Your Marketing With These 7 Tech Strategies
Like in other sectors today, the marketing field experience constant technological developments. The common marketing technologies are voice search, social media platforms, and email marketing tools. Another technology is artificial intelligence–powered chatbot. It...
What’s Your Marketing Budget and How Much of a Loan Should Go to It?
The Small Business Administration (SBA) in the United States (U.S.) mentioned that the average marketing spending of businesses in 2018 was nearly 8% of their revenue. SBA is an independent agency in the U.S. that aims to support small businesses and entrepreneurs....
5 Ways to Incorporate Diversity and Inclusion in Your Marketing Strategies
Over the last several decades, the world has evolved and progressed in marked ways. Particularly, the world has become more diverse, accepting, and welcoming to people from all walks of life. However, though significant advancements in attitudes and practices have...
Closing the Deal Through Video Calls: Best Practices for Marketing Pitches
While closing deals through video calls was a rare practice over the last several decades, today, as work-from-home jobs have become more common, it’s become a normalized part of our evolving world. One field that this is particularly true for is marketing, with...
Van Leasing: The Smart Choice for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur or small business owner, one of your main priorities will be keeping your expenses as low as you possibly can. Depending on your business, you might need to handle the transportation of goods or materials. In this situation, the question of leasing...
The Impact of VPS Hosting on Your Website’s SEO
If you are looking to enhance your online business presence, then investing in VPS hosting is a must. The VPS market is predicted to reach an astonishing $8.3 billion by 2026 and for a good reason. We will explain how it can help with SEO and why it holds such strong...
How to Market Your Subscription Business
Marketing is a big part of any business. It increases your brand awareness, engages your target audience, and crucially helps them make a buying decision, which is why you need a strong marketing strategy. But what about subscription businesses? When it comes to...
How to Land a Digital Marketing Job
Digital marketing became mainstream over the past decade, and many companies have embraced it. This has created a demand for experienced digital marketers worldwide that job hunters cannot fill because of the current skill gap in the marketplace. The low supply of...
Todo.Space vs Trello: Which Project Management Tool Will Revolutionize Your Workflow?
When creating a project, it is extremely easy to ruin it. According to statistics companies lose up to 12% of their valuable resources as a result of poor project management. All it takes is losing sight of one task, distributing the load incorrectly, not taking into...
How To Use Microsoft Projects for Your Marketing Business
Managing a marketing campaign includes organizing different teams. There are designers, copywriters, SEO specialists, researchers, and others that play their part. Microsoft developed powerful software that helps project managers facilitate their work. It allows you...
Maximizing Your Marketing Strategy for Mac Software: Tips and Tricks
As with all marketing, reaching your target audience for Mac software depends on getting the formula right. As with the development of the software itself, determining what your product means for the right demographic is a key to success in sales. Beyond that, there...
Why Fintech is Key to Building a Competitive Advantage in Marketing
Good software shapes the way that modern business is done. It allows companies to stay lean, implement data, save money, and reach the consuming public in ways that were never before possible. It can also be pretty confusing for the layperson. You know you need...
The State of Artificial Intelligence in Business – How and Why Businesses Are Using AI
AI is an exciting, sometimes alarming concept for business leaders all over the world. It has the potential to revolutionize key business performance factors. But can the technology be trusted? And is there a human cost? While we still don’t know exactly how AI will...
The Key Marketing Trends Of 2023
Marketing is a field that is constantly going through change. The way in which a business promotes itself these days is vastly different from 10+ years ago, and even the last few years have brought about a lot of change. This is why it is important for businesses to...
The Role Of Datacenter Proxies In SEO And PPC Campaigns
Proxies are rapidly becoming a key part of successful Search Engine Optimisation and Pay Per Click advertising campaigns. Datacenter proxies are servers equipped with specialized IP addresses that provide users with anonymous internet access, offering advantages in...