Marketing Next Practices Blog
5 Ways Businesses Can Improve Web Accessibility
Today, most people depend on the Internet to find information and access various products and services. For this reason, many companies have created sites where their clients can reach them easily. With the help of a web page, firms can also expand their customer base...
Major Benefits of Utilizing Effective Business Coaching
First, let's find out what a business coach is exactly, just in case you aren’t exactly sure. Business coaches are some of the best entrepreneurs and executives who have created successful businesses looking to help others be successful. Pretty neat concept, huh?...
Tech Startup Marketing: 9 Disciplines for Success
Startup success stories are more prevalent than ever with the top GAFAM technology brands (Google/Apple/Facebook/Apple/Microsoft) dominating the news, followed by hundreds of startup $1+ billion market cap Unicorns (a record 700 Unicorns in 2021), along with record...
How Proper Digital Marketing Can Help Expand Your Small Business
What is digital marketing? Similar to traditional marketing, digital marketing uses social media, search engines, websites, and other components of the internet to connect with an audience through advertising. Digital marketing is much more effective than traditional...
3 High-Powered Career Paths to Consider Prior to Attending College
You’re heading off to school and you want to major in a field that will lend itself to a vibrant career, right? Well, though everyone heads off to college with the same intention (more or less), the career space is vast, and sometimes all of the options we’re given...
How You Can Expand Your Business and Gain a Bigger Profit
Whether you own a small convenience store or an established conglomerate, expanding your business should always be on your to-do list. The more you expand, the greater the possibility of scaling your business and making more money. However, expansion is one process...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Branded Vehicles
Proper vehicle branding can do a lot for your business. It is an important tool if your vehicles play a major part in your operation. In some cases, they might be the only branding tool you need. This is especially true if your business is local and limited in scope....
6 Practical Solutions To Keep Track Of Your Remote Team
We’re entering a new era where norms are now rapidly changing. A combination of the circumstances brought on by the Pandemic, along with the amazing advances in technology have created the need and possibilities to function remotely, especially when it comes to...
Simple & Impactful Digital Marketing Strategies to Create Business Revenue
Running a business is a lot like raising a child. It takes time, patience, care, and a whole lot of love; This same process applies to nurturing a business and watching it grow. Thankfully, we live in a technologically advanced world with tools that enable us to...
How to Make a Profit Investing in Rental Properties: Dos and Don’ts
The real estate industry is a very profitable business. However, there are certain things that you have to do in order to ensure that you will be successful. There’s a lot of time and research that goes into managing a profitable property. Here are some things that...
Business Life 101: 3 Essential Tools for Business Survival in Today’s World
If you want to make it in today’s competitive business world, you need every tool at your disposal to make this a possibility. In today’s business landscape, most of your efforts must be spent in the digital space. Whether this is for marketing purposes or for...
6 Effective Ways to Position Your Law Firm High on Search Engines
Have you or the law firm you work for recently been searching for some unique and effective ways to help get more web traffic to your firm’s website? Maybe you have been recently appointed as the person in your law firm who will have the responsibility of promoting...
7 Digital Marketing Strategies Your Business Can Benefit From
There are so many options for marketing in the digital age. While that’s great for creating revenue opportunities, it can be a little overwhelming when you’re trying to decide which strategy is best for your business. If you’re not sure, there’s nothing wrong with...
Drive Your Ecommerce Sales Through the Roof with These 7 Marketing Tips
Are you struggling with producing truckloads of sales -- so much that your financial statements make you cringe? If so, maybe you’re not attracting your shoppers or showcasing your offers and products enough to make them hanker. With the right promotional tactics,...
Starting A Business: Essential Advice To Help You Through
Starting a business is a lot to handle, in all honesty. Starting from the funding, acquisition, and efforts put in place to ensure that the business succeeds. It is no news that new business owners feel a lot of pressure before and immediately after starting a...
How Local SEO Helps Boost Business Growth
Modern businesses in the digital age have several tools at their disposal to help them grow and reach more audiences; for example, search engine optimization (SEO) is a tool to help you land on the coveted first page of search engines when users search for contents,...
How to Write Product Comparison Content That Readers Will Love
One of the best ways to drive a business forward is to invest in the right marketing strategies. And, for many small and medium-sized companies, content marketing, specifically product comparison content, makes for the logical choice, with its multiple benefits, low...
Digital marketing or digital advertising – which is right for your firm?
There is little doubt the impact the web and technology have had on business over the last thirty or so years. However, while just being online with a website was previously enough, these days many firms struggle to stand out online. In a world where there are more...
Why SSD has Become a Popular Choice
The world of technology has been continually evolving over recent years, and this has affected everything from the devices we use to the way in which we store files and data. In the past, many people relied on their hard disk drives (HDDs) for this, and when solid...
Top 6 Tax Preparation Tips and Tricks for Your Small Business
Having your own business come to life is an amazing experience, however, the work never stops. There are different aspects to manage when you start a company and some of them may be more difficult than others. One of the most important things when it comes to...