Marketing Next Practices Blog

TikTok Marketing 101

American Marketing Association hosted a TikTok coffee break, where Raechel Cihlar from Mavrck shared insights on the trending social media app. TikTok is a video sharing app that is quickly becoming one of the most popular apps in the world. TikTok Stats 800 million...

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How Coronavirus Helped Brand Innovation

Obviously, Coronavirus is not what businesses planned for, but maybe this illness helped businesses in a certain area: brand innovation. Many companies had to think outside the box to adapt to the new challenge in the world. This new adaption has allowed brands to...

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What is B2P Marketing?

What is B2P Marketing?

We all know what business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing is, but what is business-to-people (B2P) marketing. During the pandemic, a lot has changed in marketing. The target audiences’ life has made a change. So why are marketers now talking...

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8 Marketing Faux Pas to Avoid in 2021

Is your marketing a Faux Pas? Modern Marketing Partners has launched a marketing faux pas campaign series aimed at redefining the challenges and mistakes made by many marketers. With 2020 coming to a close, marketing planning for 2021 is well underway. Be sure to...

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Marketing Strategy:  4 Steps to Success

Marketing Strategy: 4 Steps to Success

Having a step by step plan allows marketers to achieve their goals. Having a strategy in place will help marketers grow and succeed in the future. As reported by Forbes on September 16th, 2020 by Lynne Golodner. Successful Marketing Requires Strategy My son wanted to...

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A New Definition for Content Marketing?

A New Definition for Content Marketing?

Content marketing is not just a strategy; it is a skill set. You must understand where to post the content, who should see the content, and all in all, how to market the content. A lot has changed in the past few years, which has led to the discussion of adding a new...

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5 Tips for Making Your Ecommerce Content Better

Ecommerce is comprising a larger share of the consumer market with each passing year. Businesses are no longer limiting their products or services to their local areas or cities. Instead, they are expanding their range to include the entire country, region, or even...

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B2B Reviews are Important

B2B Reviews are Important

Do you still believe in reviews? How about B2B reviews? Well, you should start believing in business-to-business (B2B) reviews and adding them to your marketing mix. As reported by Forbes on September 22nd, 2020 by Elizabeth Shea. Why B2B Reviews Should Be An...

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