Marketing Next Practices Blog
What the Future Holds for Dating Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Marketing has been around for some time now. It has proved to be a straightforward business model, enabling entrepreneurs to construct web platforms for backspace marketing at a relatively low cost, while offering the potential to gain considerable income....
The Guiding Principles of Agile Marketing
Agile Marketing is a relatively new concept in the world of marketing. It takes its name from agile processes used in software development around the late 90s. The real simple explanation of this approach is that marketing teams identify high value projects, usually...
4 Steps for Choosing a Successful Company Name
Creating a name for you new company may actually be your first foray into the world of marketing, whether you realize it or not. Your name begins the branding process of your organization and is a crucial first step towards its success. You’re setting the tone for how...
Analytics New Role in Website Design
Companies are embracing the digital transformation and looking for marketing initiatives that drive customers to their online channels. Website optimization, including site redesigns are topping the list of must dos for many marketers this year. And they’re looking to...
Initial Look at New Smart Campaign Tactics
Last month Google introduced its first new solution, Smart Campaigns, under its Google Ads brand. Aimed specifically at Small Businesses, Smart Campaigns look to automate ad creation, audience targeting, and ad delivery across Google properties. Google’s rebranding...
Nonprofit Marketing Requires New Fundraising Techniques
Nonprofit marketing in the U.S. today must contend with stock market results, government reform initiatives, and an uncertain political environment. This makes nonprofit financial performance a strong indicator of an organization’s impact and sustainability throughout...
Linkless Mentions Affect SEO
The MarketingProfs theorize that with the rising prominence of voice search, the landscape of SEO is changing. They believe that without links to click on during screenless searches, the importance of linkless mentions will grow as well. Links are still vastly...
Good Marketing is Like Dieting
No pain, no gain. Dieting and marketing actually have a lot of similarities. Primarily, success doesn’t happen overnight; it takes place long-term. Finding out what works for the brand and implementing a plan to do those things is key to good business. Check out some...
Case Studies are Key to New Business
Sure, telling a buyer what your business can do for them is important; but it’s also important to prove that your words are more than just words. Case studies are a great form of proof that tells a potential customer what your business has already done in a compelling...
The Value of a Secure Website
Protecting the privacy of your customers and prospects while they visit your site is paramount to the success of your organization. Business owners need to be concerned about the security of their website even if they have “a guy” who handles it for them. Today’s...
Voice Search Will Forever Change SEO
Amazon Echo frenzy has taken over and people are quickly adopting smart speakers and other forms of voice search. Think snippets limited your company’s influence on page 1? Voice search will likely hit harder. Because results are read, not seen, it’s unlikely users...
Influencer Marketing on the Rise
Influencer marketing continues to grow and gain interest for brands looking to provide relevant content to their audiences. It has become a popular marketing tactic for companies across a variety of industries. That’s because influencers have the ability to share...
Page Speed is More Critical Than Ever
Users hate slow sites; pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load see significantly higher bounce rates. Internet giant Google has noticed. To improve user experience and combat long wait times, Google is launching its Google Speed Update, expected to roll out in...
4 Types of Business Blogging Content
Business blogging requires genuinely engaging prospects and customers. The thing is people are all different. This means you need to have some different types of content on your blog to attract and retain readers. You must also have diverse content to help you...
Simplifying Marketing in a TMI World
In the age of information, it’s easy for a company’s audience to feel overexposed to marketing and ads. It’s also a lot of extra work for an organization’s staff to keep up with a multitude of platforms. It’s time to simplify marketing efforts, for the benefit of both...
Successful Search Requires New Tactics
Today’s marketplaces are busy, and information is abundant. Your customers want access to your product and service information quickly and easily. They expect this timely, convenient access starting from their initial search and then once they have moved onto your...
Blogging Challenges and Tips for Success
Your company started a blog maybe a year or so ago for all the right reasons. As a marketer you know the value of having new, relevant content on your website. You created a posting schedule, worked hard at writing many of blogs, maybe even found some company guest...
Rented List Compilation Top Tactics – Part 2
If you’ve found direct mail working well for your company, you may be ready to expand your reach and attain more prospects through a rented mailing list. The two overall categories of rented lists are complied lists and response lists. For most businesses...
Direct Mail House Lists Rule – Part 1
The debate over which is better email vs direct mail may continue on into the next century. And that’s okay. It’s often been said that email generates a quicker profit and direct mail produces more engaged customers. So for many businesses there is value in using a...
Leveraging Millennial Engagement on Instagram with Influencer Marketing
Instagram has a far-reaching effect for brands trying to engage Millennials. Instagram, which delivers an entirely mobile experience, has seen huge growth over the past few years, in part because 60 percent of its active users are Millennials. Due to their very...