Leading IT and MSP Marketing Agency

We put you in front of your ideal clients so that you can focus on what you do best—delivering reliable and tailored service.

Whether you’re fixing, hosting, implementing, or protecting, you build lasting relationships with clients by being the best in your field. We can relate. At Modern Marketing Partners, we’ve spent the last quarter century working with managed services providers, IT firms, and resellers. Like you, we’ve spent this time on the cutting edge of our field.

We know how hypercompetitive the IT services space is. That’s why your marketing has to be hyper effective. This is where we shine, and that’s why both regional and national Information Technology consultants, MSPs, and IT services brands have turned to us.

Whether we’re putting you on the latest social media platform, delivering well-measured and timely content, emails, and publicity, or showcasing your skills with traditional advertising, we do the legwork so that you can let your services shine.

Don’t wait! Register for your Information Technology marketing consultation:

Marketing Agency for Information Technology (IT) Companies and MSPs

Your clients turn to you for experience, expertise, and execution. The same goes for us. Technology partners have come to Modern Marketing Partners to solve their most perplexing and pressing challenges.

With roots dating back to 1996, Modern Marketing Partners has delivered solutions for companies like yours. No matter what role your company plays in the technological landscape, it pays to have a team on your side that lets you focus on closing deals, catering to your clients, and constantly delivering.

Successful marketing in the IT services field combines deep understanding of the services you provide with an approachable, understandable voice and tone.

When you work with Modern Marketing Partners, you get just that—a team who gets to know what you do, how you work, and who you are, translating your complex business into something even a luddite executive will appreciate. Here are just some of the ways we make your marketing work for you.

  • Websites for Humans: You already know that user experience is one of the most important parts of any technology. We build websites that flow, getting people where they need to be.
  • Digital Marketing that Delivers: Websites are one thing, but today’s IT services firm needs a complete marketing strategy that incorporates the right tactics. Our digital marketing approach delivers a holistic approach that connects content marketing, email, lead generation and more to drive both traffic and conversions.
  • Content that Converts: Today’s software business needs to connect with people at all stages of the buying cycle. Our content marketing practice is built on inbound fundamentals, converting strangers into visitors, visitors into leads, and leads into customers.
  • Hot Leads, Served Fresh: Today’s buyer is around 70% of the way into a purchase before they want to hear from sales staff. Our team works hand in hand with your sales team and consultants to tailor messaging and content, handing off well-informed clients who are excited to start working with you.

We understand the incredible variance in the IT services buying process. Whether your clients are looking for quick turnaround and low customization projects, emergency IT assistance, or significant implementations, we have the experience and expertise you need to connect and convert. Here are just some of the companies who have worked with us.

Prescient Solutions Marketing
VAST IT Services
IT Executives Council Marketing
AWS Marketing
Midwest Info System marketing

Digital Marketing Services for IT Companies

When you work with Modern Marketing Partners, you’re turning to a company with the skills, expertise, and good advice you need to connect with your ideal customer. Our holistic approach can be tailored to your budget, needs, and goals to build a marketing strategy that works for you. Here are just some of the services we deliver for our IT Services clients:


Content Marketing

Connect your company with buyers at every stage of the buying cycle. Our team of inbound certified marketers will help you set goals, plan initiatives, target buyers, and develop content that educates, entertains, and most importantly sells.

Email Marketing

Grow traffic and deliver content that feeds your funnel. From list building to email design, creation, and distribution, we’re putting you in front of readers and optimizing emails for better deliverability and clicks.


Publicity and Identity

Show off your company, culture, and product. We build lasting brands that help you solidify a reputation with clients and employees. Our PR practice leverages deep connections with media brands across the technology landscape to build awareness, reinforce market leadership, and connect your efforts.

Lead Generation

Fill your CRM with targeted, local, and interested buyers who match your criteria. Our lead generation experts find the right contacts, qualify them, and warm them up—all you have to do is close the sale.


Macro- and Micro-Vertical Marketing

Specialize in an industry or secure your place in a niche. Our team has success tailoring and creating content for buyers both in broad sectors and unexploited industries. Simply say who you want to work with and we’ll do the rest.

Growth-Focused Analytics

ROI means a lot more than radio on internet. Our team will help you identify the top metrics and key performance indicators. More importantly, we use this to set goals and deliver results.

free website analysis
free website analysis

Get an IT Marketing Assessment

Your custom consultation includes a complete marketing assessment, in-depth Website/SEO analysis, and marketing plan recommendations that will help you dramatically increase website traffic quality and quantity, leverage a systematic process for identifying marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and converting to sales qualified leads (SQLs), reposition your brand as a thought leader and subject matter expert to differentiate from competitors, and more.

MMP Client Results

IT Marketing Results


increase in organic traffic


increase in online leads


in influenced revenue


increase in marketing ROI

IT Marketing Guide

In the not so distant past, marketing of software systems, hardware or IT services was secondary in importance to sales and business development. Today, changing market dynamics have forced IT product and service providers to reconsider and elevate marketing to mission critical  status.

IT Marketing

IT Marketing Expertise

Check out our latest articles on IT marketing.

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Tech Upgrade Pitfalls Businesses Need To Watch Out For 

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