by Lindsay Brown | Oct 29, 2012 | B2B Marketing, MMP News, Social Media
Modern Marketing Partners is launching a new agency called Hot Potato™ Social Media that specializes in social media marketing (SMM) and related marketing for companies and brands. The BIG 5 social networks (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+) are...
by Lindsay Brown | Oct 5, 2012 | Inbound Marketing, Infographic, Marketing Best Practices
Inbound Marketing is hugely popular thanks to the tireless efforts of marketing automation software publishers including Hubspot, Marketo, Eloqua and Pardot, each with a different spin on what constitutes effective Inbound Marketing. Still, each of these sources is...
by Lindsay Brown | Sep 25, 2012 | Marketing Best Practices, Social Media
Some pundits project that video will soon dominate all content on the internet. While this seems unlikely, video is the fastest growing marketing vehicle, doubling in volume from just 2010 to 2012, and triple digit growth expected thru 2015! (Source: Cisco) This...
by Lindsay Brown | Aug 29, 2012 | Marketing Best Practices, Social Media
Basic Best Practices for Building Out Your Facebook Business Page Let’s put it this way, if your company isn’t on Facebook, it’s harder for your products and services to be found. Face it – as much as you may want to resist Facebook as a social...